Wednesday, 15 April 2009

rockin' robin - part one

In late 2008 i went on a trip to London and visited the Hayward gallery. Andy Warhol had an exhibition there, it was pretty fantastic to say the least, especially his polaroids. However there was also an upstairs exhibition that caught my eye and made my brain wonder. At this point in time there was a photography project due, so me and my friend decided to collaborate and produce some pieces of our own in a similar style.
Robin Rhode takes photographs consisting of drawings and people at staggered times. Well that didn't really exaplin it very well. Basically, he draws, paints, and collages images onto walls and pavements, photographs it, then changes it, the end result being that when the sequence is complete it plays out a short scene. I will provide a couple of examples.

My next post will be out take, hopefully

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